Mental habits for success
Helping students develop mental habits that build focus, confidence and a growth mindset
It's not just teachers' imaginations - students really are struggling more than ever. And all educators have a good idea of why. Social media and screen time are eroding students' self-worth, distorting their ambitions, and diminishing their ability to focus and engage with the real world - especially in the learning environment. Studies suggest, and many students agree, that most mental health awareness programs actually have little or even a negative effect on emotional well-being.
Our workshops focus entirely on equipping students with the skills to counter the specific negative thinking patterns that could hold them back from success, right from the very start. Students practice combined techniques that help them develop resilience, confidence, and focus. Students who have attended our workshops report feeling these benefits from a single session and wish to continue the practices - powerful habits for a successful and happy future.

"Students are bored of mental health awareness programs which only seem to make things worse!"
​The Problem: Students and teachers overwhelmed and tired of mental health awareness schemes that inadvertently result in decreases in mental wellbeing, personal accountability, and personal empowerment
The Cost: Student wellbeing, lost opportunities for success, teachers' time
The Solution: Workshops built around prevention rather than reaction, and solutions rather than sympathy: simple, practical, sustainable techniques that empower students by focusing on confidence, accountability, and the development of a success mindset.
The Audience: Students (and staff!)
"So many of our students struggle to focus for more than 30 seconds!"
​The problem: Science fairs are time-consuming and don't result in any meaningful content or skills development
The cost: Lost learning opportunities; increased stress on teachers
The Solution: Guidance in integrating Science Fair projects into skills development throughout the school year;
The audience: Science teachers