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Science lab and activity worksheets
Under construction! Here you will be able to find and download documents for teachers to prepare, guide and assess students through engaging hands-on labs and outdoor activities, providing consistent advancing of student science skills, from experimental design, to use of materials, to reporting.

Science skills worksheets
Under construction! Here you will be able to find and download documents for teachers to develop broad and transferable science skills in their students while simultaneously covering NGSS content.

Science Fair worksheets and assessment
Under construction! Here you will be able to find and download documents for teachers to prepare, guide and assess students through Science Fairs and other independent student projects, providing fair, differentiated evaluation for diverse interests.

Under construction! Here you will be able to find links to videos that can be used in the classroom or as homework to engage students in Science themes (especially Human Biology and Environmental Sciences), explaining relevancies with students' health and daily experiences, and reveal interesting connections with other subjects.